Cyanotype exposure time app

The app accurately measures the correct exposure time for Cyanotypes in all weather conditions. It also times the exposure if needed, compensating for weather changes during the exposure. The app also has the option to pause and resume the Cyanotype exposure time. This app gives you a clear advantage of size, quantity and uniformity over other methods of exposing Cyanotypes.

What are Altxpo's advantages over exposure lamps

No size or quantity limit

Cyanotypes without limits. Much more versatile than a UV lamp

No Hot spots

Perfectly even exposures.
Completely eliminates the hot spot problem that UV lamp exposures can suffer from.

Portable Consistent results

all from your pocket. No clutter just use your phone.

Any conditions

Get perfect exposures in all weather.

Great for groups & classes

If you need to expose a large amount of Cyanotypes all together then the app is the right tool for the job.

Works with Many UV based processes.

Cyanotype, Gum printing, Salt printing, Argyrotypes, Van Dyke (VanDyck) , Platinum/Palladium, Carbon , Kallitype , Albumen Printing, Screen printing or any process that can use Natural UV for exposure.

Expose in all conditions

Thick cloud

North facing

Light cloud

Partly cloudy

Behind a window


Which devices will be supported by Altxpo

All Android Smartphones running Android 7.0 Nougat and above
Apple devces will be added soon.

Our Simple
Straight-Forward Pricing

The ultimate tool for exposing cyanotypes etc.

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Free for a limited time

Cyanotype exposure in natural light has always been challenging to achieve consistent level of darkness in the results due to weather conditions, the time of year and time of day. The Altxpo app is designed to make your Cyanotype results consistent and controllable.
You can accurately decide the darkness of the exposure and expose multiple Cyanotypes to the same darkness level, even on different days and different weather conditions.
The consistent results add a uniform professional look to artwork in exhibitions or collections especially with larger pieces.
In a class environment an instructor providing the correct exposure time can have confidence that every students artwork will be a success.

Some user comments

The App works well for me, I have two UV lamps and do not use them since installing the app. I use it through my garden window and get consistent, even exposures with beautiful rich blues.
Malcolm Richards
App developer

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